Adventures of Fluffy

Hello to all, I am fluffy bunny, a girl on the go, socialite, and playful
blogger. I am truly the modern day Martha Stewart meets Playboy Bunny.

A Few of my weekend Halloween and Fall decorating favorites

Happy Halloween!!! Love Pork Chop
This is Pork Chop, he is a very sweet dog! He lives for treats and attention but don’t we all!!! Ok, so I couldn’t resist the crazy little headband very fluffy!!


peepsI love Peeps!! They are not just for Easter and this is a little treat I make and give out for my friends . Its pretty to look at and yummie! I love candy corn ! I eat color one at a time somehow maybe that way it makes me feel its less calories !! ok maybe not!!

scarecrowThe Perfect Family!! They look great and add a little touch of color for the fall season,I give them a little sprucing so they can last thru Thanksgiving !

flowersPractice makes perfect!
I love floral arrangements for fall, I practice making arrangements with different flowers and colors so that when Thanksgiving comes I can create the most Fluffalious table ever!!

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